Monday, January 17, 2011

One Journey ends...another begins

As I sit hear listening to the buzz of my family life in the background, I reflect on the past year. It was a year full of fun, stress, love, little to no sleep, ups and downs and amazing support and encouragement. I started this blog nearly 12months ago, who would have thought I would still be continuing on with it. I feel this is a great place to share my experiences and take you all on a journey that has transformed from that of a student, into a first year teacher. I have been lucky enough to have been offered a permanent teaching position in both my teaching areas (PE & English) at our local high school. But, I believe after 6 years of full time study I need a break. I have accepted the teaching position that was offered with a .6 teaching load, something that I had longed for late in my studies. I am excited at the prospect of having 4 of my very own classes to nurture and guide in the right direction, to be able to make a difference in someone's life. I have 2 days of holidays left to prepare myself for the journey ahead. I will endeavor to write up my thoughts and experiences along the way.


  1. Congratulations Katrina. I hope you have an amazing year and are enjoying your last day of holiday. I start on Wednesday and am trying really hard not to feel daunted by the whole thing. But then compared to last year, surely we'll be fine?

    All the best...

  2. Well done Katrina!! I hope your job is going well! Best of luck, Hannah


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