Sunday, April 25, 2010

A New Discovery

An exciting discovery of a new ICT was made today.  I was introduced to the concept of 'Overlay Programs' for HPE/Sports. Sportscode & Motion Pro are examples of these types of programs which allow teachers, coaches or athletes to analyse the performance in a  particular sport. This may perhaps be extremely beneficial to the track and field team in all areas, to determine how the students can improve their technique.  This program is uncomplicated, and engages students in their own learning journey.  Students would be able to film each other performing a particular run, throw or jump event.  The information from the recording can then be processed by the teacher, and overlayed onto the correct technique required to gain best results.  Next the students will be able to analyse how their performance can be improved, as well as how well they performed.  Furthermore these programs can capture the performance changes in the students over a period of time, allowing the teacher to see actual improvements, as well as determining where they require extra guidance and advice on technique.  These programs are helpful to teachers in senior grades as it offers a way to document students learning and improvement. Following is an example of how an overlay program operates.
SportsCode Analysis

Motion Pro


  1. Hi Katrina,

    Wow - these two websites are great! As a fellow HPE enthusiast, I will be looking to use these sites in my learning experiences. I agree, these sites are not complicated to use and students will be able to express their creativity in their projects. Thanks

  2. Hi Katrina,

    I am heavily involved in Sport and have been lucky enough to have had some experience with this sort of technology. The previous experience i have had was great and the technology seams well worth the effort. I will be exploring the links you have provided as i think this technology could definitely come in handy in my future teaching endeavors.



  3. Hi Nick,
    fantastic, and you are lucky to have had experience with this technology. We used a similar program in my undergrad in Human movements but it was limited in what it could do at that time. I am looking forward to, and hopefully will get the opportunity to quite soon, see how these programs can be implemented into student learning. What a great invention. Have fun and enjoy looking at the links I have provided. Please let me know if you find out more information that would be relevant for schools, I would love to learn more about these.

    Kind regards



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