Sunday, April 25, 2010

Slideshare helping with engagement

I became familiar with slideshare when uploading my PowerPoint presentation a few weeks ago and found it to be a useful tool for editing, adding narration, You Tube videos and adding music to PowerPoint slides.  I used the following slidecasting 101 presentation to guide my way through the process to learn how to incorporate and upload narration.

Slidecasting 101
View more presentations from Jonathan Boutelle.

At this point I have not been able to upload a narration or MP3 music for my presentation, but look forward to doing this for future presentations that I can implement during my EPL.  The students in my class display various learning styles but seem to engage well with presentations that involve music and narration.  Felder (2004) concludes that "Visual learners remember best what they see--pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, and demonstrations.  Verbal learners get more out of words --Written and spoken explanations.  Everyone learns more when information is presented both visually and verbally." I believe incorporating narration and/or music to my PowerPoints a way to enhance learning.  I also believe this tool will be a great addition to many PowerPoint presentations designed by students to display their creativity.


Felder, R & Solomon, B,. (2004). Learning styles and strategies.  Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katrina,
    I agree re the powerpoints and engaging students. I have used 2 powerpoints in my classes and various utube videos and interactive sites, and every time I switch on the overhead projector the students eyes light up as it it more exciting than just copying off the whiteboard. They especially love the gory cartoon animations of STI's and the sound effects and sound tracks in my clouds powerpoint. I would like to try to integrate more music into the classroom learning to see if it really does make a difference.
    Well done


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