Monday, April 19, 2010

Image Manipulation with Picnik

The following images have been uploaded into Flickr and then edited in Picnik.  

As you can see this first photo is very blue and dull looking, even though it was taken in the afternoon on sunset. I really didn't think that any program would be able to fix this issue. I was happy to find that I was able to make a few changes in Picnik and I now have a lovely family portrait that I can use.

This is the finished result. 

I think this program would be fantastic for students to use. There are various features that you are able to use to gain different effects. Picnik can be used to reduce the file size and even the actual size of some images.  If you are asking your students to create a PowerPoint presentation, they could upload their photos for their presentation in Flickr and then compress and alter the photos in Picnik. It is often a very difficult task when trying to explain how to reduce the photo size to enable it to be published on a Web page, email, or PowerPoint and Picnik is a great, easy and simple way of allowing not only you as a teacher to perform these changes but for you students as well. Once again a lesson involving this type of task would be classed as active learning and in line with Dale's Cone & the Learning Pyramid ensure learning effectiveness and retention.

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