Monday, April 19, 2010

Interactive WhiteBoards

The Interactive WhiteBoard is a tool that I cannot wait to get my hands on and learn how to incorporate it into my lesson planning. The school in which I am completing my EPL at is fortunate enough to have one in each of their classrooms. The teachers are actively using these boards and the children are engaged constantly when they are in use. The following video discusses the advantages of the Promethean board, which is a type of interactive whiteboard. My Eldest son came home at the beginning of the year and told me about the Promethean board they have in their classroom. The excitement in his voice when he was explaining to me what it was, created a very clear picture about how children in the learning environment feel about this emerging ICT. These interactive whiteboards make learning interactive, interesting, entertaining and engaging for all students, as well as making use of technologies to better engage visual auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. ACU (2000), states active learning is "A multi-direction learning experience in which learning occurs teacher-to-student, student-to-teacher...[and] involves activity-base learning experiences: input, process, and output. These activity-based experiences take many shapes, whole class involvement, teams, small groups, trios, pairs, individuals." The interactive white board or Promethean is an example of how we can incorporate active learning into our classrooms.


ACU Adams Center for Teaching Excellence. (2000). Active learning online. Retrieved from

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