Tuesday, April 13, 2010

PowerPoint the valuable tool

The development of a PowerPoint presentation was next on our list and I started by completing all of the required readings and watching the tutorial video. I found the video to be helpful in someways and confusing in others. I had previously worked with PowerPoint in my undergraduate studies, but thought I should watch the video to see if I could learn some more to make my presentations more interactive, enjoyable and engaging. I followed the instructions and developed my own presentation as the video progressed. There were a few features that the video said were available but when it came time to implement them, I found they were no longer available through the version of PowerPoint I had on my computer. Finally after typing in the HELP area what I was looking for, I found out how I could utilise the new version in different and more interactive ways. I developed a PowerPoint to be used within an English lesson to give visual aid to students on the topic of 'Representations' within the film 'The Tracker'. PowerPoint presentations can be used for various reasons, such as, in classes for the purpose of adding to the verbal descriptions of some topics to enable students to become further engaged and it is a great way to cater for diverse learning styles present within your class. The versatility and technology available within a presentation is fantastic. I do believe that PowerPoint's can be over used and can contain too much information for students to understand and take in. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication!

The Tracker Powerpoint
View more presentations from CQuniversity.


  1. Hi Katrina,

    I thought your presentation was a very clever way to use power point, rather than replacing information, you have used it to draw student’s attention to key concepts within the film. It was simple yet effective and would be a great way to stimulate discussion within the class on these sensitive topics.

    I agree that power points can be overused and over-done but if used for the right reasons (to present information in a variety of ways, thereby, as you say appealing to different learning styles) and in the rights ways (to add rather than replace as you have done) it can be very useful for engaging students in their learning.

    GDLT, Tully.

  2. Hi Phebe, Thank you very much for your comments. I am glad you liked my PowerPoint presentation. Yes it was designed to stimulate discussion on sensitive issues as well as bringing to light, the ways in which certain issues are represented within film. Thank you for looking over my blog.

    Kind regards
    Katrina Knight


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