Monday, April 19, 2010

YouTube and TeacherTube

I have selected this YouTube video for the purpose a HPE class. In today's society we are faced with so many digitally enhanced images, it is no wonder girls in particular have a distorted view of what it is to be beautiful. This lesson would be talking about feeling beautiful on the inside and liking you for you. It is important that both girls and boys understand that what portrayed in the media is often not what is in real life. From the sports celebrities to non famous people, their images are altered to conform with today's societal norms. This YouTube video will show how these images are altered and will shock most students when they see how it is done. This video can be found on both YouTube and TeacherTube, and is just one of many that you can use to gain engagement and interest within the classroom. YouTube Videos are a great way to start a lesson as the 'Hook'. I look forward to implementing YouTube and TeacherTube into my lessons in the near future.


  1. Hi Katrina, that is an awesome video. I think it's a fantastic example to show young students. I agree a video is an excellent way to 'hook' the students. Great example!

  2. Hi Carolyne, Thank you for your comment. This video impacted on me personally and it made me stop and think about things that were going on around me with students in my own boys school. The comments I heard floating around the playground about themselves and comparing themselves to people in magazines was shocking to say the least. I will definitely be using this one in the future for a HPE class of some kind.
    I love using these sorts of video's as 'hooks' in the class, it engages most students immediately.

    Kind regards


The Message Stick

Stronger Smarter

Zorba the greek

Media Smarts